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Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Eva Longoria and Matt Barnes -- Friends with Benefits

Filed under: Eva Longoria, Matt Barnes, TMZ Sports

It takes a "special" kind of friend to pick somebody up from the airport in the middle of the day ... but Eva Longoria and L.A. Lakers player Matt Barnes seem to have a very "special" friendship.

Longoria pulled off the ultimate favor for Barnes yesterday -- rolling over to LAX around 11 AM to play the role of chauffeur.  Barnes  tried to go unnoticed by pulling a black hoodie over his head ... but it's hard to be missed when you're 6'7". 

Despite what it seems ... sources close to Eva tell us there's NOTHING romantic going on between the two -- insisting they're just "good friends" who have done a bunch of charity work together.

And even though Matt is recently single ... word on the street is that Eva is already in a relationship with Penelope Cruz's younger brother, Eduardo.


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