Graphic Violence
You ruined my painting, you jerk!
Lea Michele Glee Mutiny
lea michele glee mutiny - it sounds like the title of Fox's hit (for now, anyway) musical "Glee" might be growing more ironic by the day.
The 50 Best Animal Photos in 2011
here goes a photo gallery depicting the absolute best animal photos from the 2011. It's been funny and sad, but overall a very busy year for animal photojournalism.
"I wanna be a rockstar". Yes, yes? you do
How Not to Slaughter a Cow
Cow manage to escape from its killers, kicks ass and runs over 4 guys.
Beautiful Red Lips
Collection of cute and beautiful girls with red lips
Creative Ads by Marcus Hausser
Marcus Hausser is ? c?mmercial photographer with ? l?ng list ?f cli?nts f?r wh?m h? h?s sh?t campaigns
20 Deadliest Effects of Global Warming
Greenhouse gases can stay in the atmosphere for an amount of years ranging from decades to hundreds and thousands of years
Rescued Little Koalas
Two baby koalas w?r? f?und in th?ir d??d m?ther?s pouch th?t w?s hit ?nd killed b? ? car
Skate Mirror
Want an unusual mirror to decorate your room and fulfill you need?
Blind Artist Carves Wooden Figurines
Alexander Romanov, a blind artisan from the Moscow Region, makes wooden fairy tale and mythological characters
Funny Activities by Animals
Funny animals doing stupid things
Pacific Gateway to Underworld
Thor?s Well is part of Cape Perpetua, a typical Pacific Northwest headland ? a forested area of land on the central Oregon Coast, surrounded by water on three sides
Holiday Card Checklist
One and a half billion Christmas cards are delivered each year?and sometimes it feels like you?re personally sending out that many
Funny Picdump
And now for Banned?s Afternoon Picdump. As always, remember to subscribe to our RSS Feed and add us on Facebook to receive updates and our Daily Picdumps
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