Rocket Base Angara Construction
Plesetsk Cosmodrome is a spaceport, located in the Arkhangelsk Region
Iceland's Phallological Museum
This is a guest post from one of our writers who chose to remain anonymous, for obvious reasons!
Holiday Hot Tub
Nice idea for the holidays
Dogs on Bath
This is your dogs on bath
Great City Party
Funny and cool party in the city
Michael Jackson Auction
Michael jackson auction - The contents of the home where Michael Jackson lived with his three children just before his death have sold for nearly $1 million at auction.
Dress Construction Back in 1860
We can?t call this getting dressed. It is not that simple.
Amazing Sp?c???rt America
Spaceport America is th? world's first purpose-built c?mm?rci?l spaceport.
Check out This 51-Year Old Beauty
This 51-year old part-time model, part-time actress and part-time photographer (who knows what else) really thinks herself to be a celebrity and comes into the spotlight whenever it?s possible
Choose Your Seat Mate On Facebook
Finally! Now there?s a way to make sure we get to sit next to the hot guy on our flight instead of the crying baby
Strange People
These photos show people that make the unexplained in terms of normal people things. Do not do this!
Plastic, Trusty Companion or Menace
If u went to a grocery store and decided to buy only the things that don?t have plastic in it, then you will probably leave the store with barely anything in your hands. We don?t eat plastic but we wrap practically all of our food in it, and it doesn?
Photos by Brad Elterman
Brad Elterman is ? f?m?us American photographer. H? m?d? his first celebrity ph?t? b? ? stolen c?mer? wh?n he was 16.
Titanium Multi-Tool Collar Stays
These cool looking titanium collar stay are more than just simple collar stays
Christmas Outdoor Decor
Outdoor decor is a sure way to bring the holiday spirit to the neighborhood. Think garlands, wreaths, lights, and beyond.
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