Very Cute Girls Pictures of 2011
Some pics of cute girls
Weird African Behavior
You can see this only in Africa
Cool Shark Facts
Interesting shark infographic with some unusual facts.
Christmas Tea: A Special Holiday Tea Bag Designed For Two
Even though this holiday tea bag design is truly brilliant and very cozy (since it takes two people in order for it to function), when I first saw it, it reminded me of this lazy person?s Christmas tree. LOL This little design is called Christmas Tea. I
Bharat Sikka Photography
Some cute pics of Bharat Sikka
This WAS a Nissan Maxima Amazing Cars
The owner decided that his car was too boring and so he decided to some modding of his ride. He thought that the BMW 7 series front and hood looked pretty cool while the Lamborghini swiveling doors cannot be omitted as well. Th
10 Highest Lakes on Earth
When people talk about three quarters of the world?s surface being covered in water, you don?t generally think of it being 20,000 ft above sea level
?lbum C?v?rs ?n Google Str??t Vi?w
Great idea to make this
It`s Winter Even for Disney
Winter came into the houses of our favorite cartoon characters.
Happy Holidays From Coca-Cola
Very funny picture. See it!
Glitch Skating
I have never seen a style of skateboarding quite like this. This guy has crazy balance
Microchips For Russian Armed Forces
Company ?Milandr? which is located in Zelenograd, a Russian Silicone Valley, produces electronics for Russian world-famous weapons
Great Pictures of Miranda Kerr
Latest photos of the cute celebrity
South Korean Twin Towers
Architects have designed a pair of apartment towers in South Korea that are unbelievably reminiscent of the 9/11 attacks on New York's World Trade Centre.
Just Douche It
This Adbusters image is a great spoof ad for the giant Nike corporation Read more:|-spoof-ads-|-adbusters/#ixzz1gEzkwGsS
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